While a lot of dealers are seeing success due to high margins, many are concerned their recent success is temporary, and they're losing sight of the fundamentals needed long-term. To make the most of every single lead and capture even more revenue, we have to get back to the basics.
In this webinar, get back to the fundamentals of phone lead management to ensure you're maximizing leads your dealership is already driving.
This webinar will cover:
Mike joined Car Wars in March 2010, where he's held titles such as Account Manager, Director of Business Development, Director of Automotive, and now Vice President of Automotive. With almost a decade in the automotive industry, he's worked closely with most of the nation's largest dealer groups, single point dealers, CRMs, marketing agencies, consultants, and everything in between.
For the past 7 years, Corey has worked with hundreds of organizations to increase their bottom line through enhancing phone handling and converting more opportunities. Corey earned his MBA from the University of Delaware and graduated from UNC where he studied how the power of data can affect organizational change.